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Resources for Equipment Owners


Planned Maintenance

Curtis Power Solutions offers a full range of services to commercial, institutional, and government owners of power generation equipment. Our generator service technicians are highly-skilled specialists capable of maintaining and repairing all makes and models of engines, generator sets, transfer switches, and accessories.


Testing and Certification

Curtis Power Solutions offers comprehensive maintenance and testing services to ensure that your emergency backup power system will perform as designed in an outage. We can also help you meet the requirements of the codes and standards that apply to your facility, such as NFPA 110 or Joint Commission requirements.


Replacement Parts

Curtis Power Solutions offers a full line of filters, fluids, maintenance supplies, and other consumables for nearly every diesel or gas engine model produced by major manufacturers. We also provide accessories and replacement parts for engines, transfer switches, generators, control systems, and electrical distribution equipment to complete or repair any power system.

Authorized Distributor & Dealer