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Testing and Certification


Maintenance Contracts

Planned Maintenance Contract intervals range from an annual service to semi-annual, quarterly, and monthly inspections for critical applications.


 Load Bank Testing

Generator load bank testing ensures that the generator will reliably operate at its maximum capacity for an extended period of time.


ATS and Electrical System Testing

Automatic transfer switches (ATS), circuit breakers, and electrical components should be tested periodically and subject to a maintenance and testing program per NFPA 110.


Fluids Analysis

Engine lube oil, engine coolant, and diesel fuel analysis and reporting to help detect problems early and monitor component wear rates.


Diesel Fuel Cleaning and Filtering

Testing, filtering, cleaning, and treatment to remove water and sediment from diesel fuel storage and day tanks.


Free Inspections

If you are not confident that your generator will perform or is safe to operate in an emergency, contact us today.

Authorized Distributor & Dealer