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UD Cannon Laboratory

Owner: University of Delaware

Electrical Contractor: Nickle Electrical

Engineer: DEDC, LLC

Project: Emergency standby backup power system for the renovation of the University of Delaware Cannon Laboratory in Lewes, DE

Solution: MTU Onsite Energy 600kW Series 1600 diesel genset and (2) ASCO 7000 Series automatic transfer switches

Completed: 2016

Emergency Standby Backup Power System for the University of Delaware Cannon Lab in Lewes, Delaware

The University of Delaware’s Lewes, DE campus houses an educational lab originally built in 1975. This project was a renovation to the 40,000-square-foot facility. Nickle provided the complete installation of a new roof, complete HVAC system, including duct work throughout, and a complete electrical system. The electrical distribution system was completely upgraded. Included in this was the installation of a 600-kilowatt emergency backup generator. A complete life safety system was replaced as well, including the fire alarm system and egress lighting. The data room, located on the second floor of the building, had to be maintained during the project as this room handles all data and communication for UD’s southern campus. An update to the facility’s library was also in the scope of work.

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