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All Projects | Education

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

mtu Generator Sets for New Regional Utility Plant at UNC Charlotte

Pimlico Elementary Middle School

Standby power system for the renovation of Pimlico Elementary/Middle School in Baltimore, Maryland

JHU Davis Data Center

Mission Critical backup power for the Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Data Center Upgrade in Baltimore, MD

University of Maryland, Baltimore

Emergency standby backup power upgrade for the Health Sciences and Human Services Library at the University of Maryland, Baltimore

UD Cannon Laboratory

Emergency Standby Backup Power System for the University of Delaware Cannon Lab in Lewes, Delaware

Howard University IRB

Emergency standby backup power system for the new Interdisciplinary Research Building (IRB) at Howard University in Washington, DC.

Cambridge South Dorchester HS

Emergency standby backup power system for the Cambridge South Dorchester High School in Cambridge, MD

Gallaudet University Data Center

Mission Critical backup power for the Gallaudet University EMG Data Center in Washington, DC

GWU Science & Engineering Hall

Emergency standby backup power system for the new Science and Engineering Hall at the George Washington University in Washington, DC

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