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Cambridge South Dorchester HS

Owner: Dorchester County Public Schools

Electrical Contractor: John W. Tieder

Engineer: Gipe Associates

Project: Emergency standby backup power system for the Cambridge South Dorchester High School in Cambridge, MD

Solution: MTU Onsite Energy 1,250kW Series 2000 diesel genset in a custom enclosure with a fuel recirculating and control system, ASCO Avtron load bank, and an ASCO 7000 Series automatic transfer switch

Completed: 2018

Emergency standby backup power system for the Cambridge South Dorchester High School in Cambridge, MD

 In 2014, The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development issued a Notice of Funding Availability to all counties impacted by Hurricane Sandy or Isabel.  Dorchester County on Maryland's Eastern Shore was awarded a grant to install to install an emergency generator at Cambridge-South Dorchester High School, which serves as an emergency shelter site for residents of the County.

Curtis Engine supplied and John Teider, Inc. installed the new system. While the custom-built system was being transported to the site, the truck hired to deliver the generator encountered a low bridge on U.S. Route 70 and the generator was severely damaged. Curtis Engine worked with the County, the manufacturer, and the trucking company's insurance carrier to determine the best course of action. Given the funding requirements and the need for the system to be operational in time for hurricane season, there was no time to build a completely new system. It was determined that a completely new housing was necessary and that there was no damage to the generator, engine, or fuel system. As a further precaution the entire exhaust system was replaced.  Curtis Engine and MTU Onsite Energy then performed extensive testing and provided an extended warranty to guarantee that the damage was corrected and would not affect future operation.  While accidents do happen, Curtis Engine will stand behind its products and ensure that project timelines are met, while minimizing the impact and costs to the customer.

See the article in the Dorchester Banner newspaper about the project here: Emergency Shelter Generator Delivered and Installed

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