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News | Engineers

13th mtu Power Gen Symposium Points the Way to a “Journey to Net Zero”

The 13th annual mtu Power Generation Symposium, held October 12-13, 2022, enjoyed its largest attendance since the pandemic as hundreds of power generation professionals from across the Americas descended on Mankato, MN, for two packed days of educational sessions and networking opportunities.

Doing EPSS Installations the Right Way: NFPA 110 Chapter 7

Often, it’s in the worst of times that backup power systems are needed the most. When fires, floods, earthquakes and other events knock out power, the Emergency Power Supply Systems (EPSS) must step up and work as designed. Which means, planning and installation are essential to ensuring performance – long before any storm clouds set in.

Microgrids 301: Series Wrap-Up

Our three-part series of Rolls-Royce white papers concludes with a look at microgrid and distributed generation projects utilizing intelligent control systems.

Curtis Booth Highlights MTU Virtual Power Generation Symposium

The success of the first-ever MTU Virtual Power Generation Symposium, and in particular the Curtis Power Solutions (CPS) booth, shows that mtu, a Rolls-Royce Solution, continues to meet and exceed the challenges of sharing information and ideas within the power generation community – even during the Covid-19 pandemic!

Connect to a World of Solutions

November 30 – December 3, 2020 Even in the midst of a pandemic, engineers need to connect with each other and advance the sharing of information and ideas within the power generation community. That’s why Rolls-Royce, for the first time ever, will be conducting its upcoming MTU Power Generation Symposium in a virtual setting.

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