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Microgrids 201: The Series Continues

Our three-part series of Rolls-Royce white papers continues with a look at microgrid and distributed generation projects incorporating battery storage with multiple energy sources, including renewables.

Energy professionals who download the second part in the series, Microgrids 201: Integrating Renewable Energy Sources and Battery Storage, can expect to learn a variety of topics. These include how energy storage can help optimize microgrids, what common benefits and challenges come with energy storage, where such microgrids have been successfully implemented worldwide, and what best practices to follow when evaluating and planning a potential microgrid project.

MTUEnergy Pack Rarotonga

mtu EnergyPacks (lower right) supporting a microgrid installation on the Pacific Island of Raratonga. (Photo courtesy of Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG).

Microgrids 201 is preceded in the series by Microgrids 101: An Introduction to Microgrids and followed by Microgrids 301: Tying Multiple Power Systems Together with Intelligent Controls.

  • To download the full text for Microgrids 201, click here.

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