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COVID-19 Update: 3/31/20

To our valued customers, colleagues and partners,

On March 30, 2020, the Governors of Maryland and Virginia, along with the Mayor of Washington, D.C., issued stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of COVID-19.  Curtis Engine provides provides mission-critical equipment, parts, and services to a number of the sectors that are considered Essential Critical Infrastructure Industries throughout the region.

Therefore, we are continuing to safely provide generators, parts, and services to our customers, working from home whenever possible, while continuing to provide pay and benefits for our employees during this unprecedented period.

Our office is closed, but we are working remotely and have implemented steps to ensure that we can continue to perform our work in accordance with the guidelines that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the local public health authorities are recommending.  We are operating at full-strength and without interruption to keep your projects on schedule and to provide the parts and services that our customers rely on.  We have restricted visitors and staggered the number of employees in our facilities, limited customer interactions, and instituted work-from-home policies to keep people safe.

While we are not currently experiencing material delays or workforce shortages, we understand the possibility of this occurring. We have been in regular communication with our employees and suppliers to address their concerns regarding performance and safety.  At this time, we have not had any employees directly affected by COVID-19 and we are working with our suppliers and customers to ensure that we are able to continue to supply critical products and services safely and in accordance with the government orders and guidelines.

We greatly value our partnership with you and are appreciative of your support of Curtis Engine. We wish you and your loved ones good health and well-being during this challenging time.

Thank you,

Trip Harrison
President and CEO
Curtis Engine and Equipment Co., Inc.

Authorized Distributor & Dealer