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Buzz at the 75th Anniversary Bash

Baltimore Snap - Curtis Engine 75th Anniv6

Mike Gill, Board Member and Investor

“I’m amazed every day by the 55 or 60 Curtis team members. When they get up in the morning, it’s all about the customer. The other remarkable thing is the chemistry of our people, how they interact with each other, the respect they show for one another. Internally, everyone sees the other person as a customer – how can we help each other be successful? It’s customer service on two levels.”

Richard Shaw, President, American Subcontractors Association of Baltimore

“I’ve known the folks at Curtis Engine for at least 10 years. They are a first-class organization, very dedicated to the industry. They are very, very strong backers of ASA. Anytime anybody needs anything, they’re there.”

Ally Tyler, Local Business Owner and Friend of the Company since the 1950s

“My father was a good friend of John Chapman, one of the original founders, and we had several business dealings with them back then and later after Tom Koch bought the company. The secret of their longevity? They’ve been able to react to changing times and handle the ups and downs.”

Tom Koch, former President of Curtis Engine, 1973 – 2006

“As former president of Curtis Engine for 33 years, I’m proud to say that the company has made it so long. It’s a tribute to offering good service, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. People appreciate it and they’ll stay with you because of it.”

Michele Kratz, Service Manager, Curtis Engine

“We work hard, and we play hard.  We do it together, every day. I’ve been here for 28 years, and the older we’ve gotten the closer we’ve become as a family.”

Dwayne Uhler, Service Technician in Charge of Data Centers (with the company for almost 5 years)

“The secret of our success?  Hard working employees. The guys that I have on my team work all kinds of hours and they know the job is not done until it’s completely done.”

Jason Brewer, Senior Tech, Head of Hospitals (with the company for 5 years)

“Best company I’ve ever worked for, and the only company I’ll ever work for. They treat their employees right – that’s all there is to it.”

Alan Koch, Sales Engineer and Senior Project Design Engineer (Employee for 12 years)

“Working with the engineering firms that we know well, we’ve been able to stay on top of the products that we offer and our reputation speaks for itself in the industry.”

Jacek Grabowski, Leach Wallace Engineering (specialists in healthcare/building and renovating hospitals)

“I really enjoy working with Curtis Engine because of the personal connections. Their engineering department stays close to us and is always there to answer our questions quickly and provide the information we need. Their support is excellent.”

Ron Wasserman, Curtis Engine V.P. of Finance for 37 Years

“Treating employees well is the key. The average longevity of our employees is about 15 years.  Holding on to your employees and hiring more good employees – that’s the secret.”

Jen Bowers, Accounting & Human Resources Manager, Curtis Engine

“We always look for the best in everyone, not just workwise but people who are going to make the company excel and be part of our family. We’re very, very happy with the employees we have right now. Our customer service technicians are top-notch.”

Paul Koch, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Owner

“You have to have the backing of the technicians to get these jobs completed. You also have to have a great product. We have both, in our service people and in MTU Onsite Energy.”

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