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News | Curtis Power Solutions (5)

South Region Celebrates a Banner First Quarter

For the Curtis Power Solutions South Region team, it was a fast start to 2021 as Q1 showed strong growth in the number of projects the team can bid and support through the commissioning process. “Our growth with the new team is really hitting its stride to support increased volume and capitalize on customer activity in the market,” says Josh Falcone, V.P. and General Manager, South Region. Falcone cites a number of contributing factors:

Getting to Know NFPA 99: Health Care Facilities Code

When it comes to power generation for health care facilities providing lifesaving services, there are three prime National Fire Protection Association codes designed to eliminate harm to people and property due to fire, electrical and related hazards. NFPA 70 (the “National Electrical Code” or “NEC”), NFPA 110 (written for emergency and standby power systems) and NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code (NFPA 99) most directly regulate electrical systems.

Addition of Rovniak Strengthens Central Region Sales Team

Powergen industry expert Jay Rovniak, a retired U.S. Navy captain with 12 years of experience supporting facility managers in a wide range of industries, has joined the Central Region sales team in Product Support Sales for Central Virginia.

Now Open: Power Generation Hubs in Raleigh-Durham and Fredericksburg

The Raleigh-Durham metro area is one of the fastest growing markets in North Carolina and America. Fredericksburg, VA is experiencing its own boom, with accelerated growth expected when the Fredericksburg Extension brings the I-95 HOV/HOT lanes to the city next year. To support this growing need for critical infrastructure and backup power, Curtis Power Solutions has opened two new offices to provide power generation hubs that better serve customers in these regions.

MTU News: Expansion of Mankato Plant

The increasing demand for product offerings in the power generation market has led to the need for updated facilities, equipment and processes to safely handle customer requirements. As a result, according to an October 2020 article in Diesel Progress, Rolls-Royce has announced a $13.9 million investment in its Power Systems business unit for the expansion of its mtu power generation manufacturing facility in Mankato, Minn.

Curtis Booth Highlights MTU Virtual Power Generation Symposium

The success of the first-ever MTU Virtual Power Generation Symposium, and in particular the Curtis Power Solutions (CPS) booth, shows that mtu, a Rolls-Royce Solution, continues to meet and exceed the challenges of sharing information and ideas within the power generation community – even during the Covid-19 pandemic!

Why is Everyone Talking About CHP Systems?

Co-generation, also known as Combined Heat and Power (CHP), is the on-site production of multiple types of energy — usually electricity, heat and/or cooling — from a single source of fuel. While co-generation is not a new concept, we are seeing renewed interest in CHP systems as a viable way to make facilities more resilient while reducing energy costs and helping to meet sustainability and emissions reduction goals.

Engineer’s Guidebook Updated!

MTU is pleased to announce that the Engineer’s Guidebook has been updated

Connect to a World of Solutions

November 30 – December 3, 2020 Even in the midst of a pandemic, engineers need to connect with each other and advance the sharing of information and ideas within the power generation community. That’s why Rolls-Royce, for the first time ever, will be conducting its upcoming MTU Power Generation Symposium in a virtual setting.

Microgrids: Solutions for a Decarbonized World

What will your power look like ten years from now? Chances are, you’ve been thinking about incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Ideally, those sustainable power solutions will not only reduce your carbon footprint but will also put you more in control of your power management.

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